Install Zoom: Windows and Firefox

Support Center > Installation Instructions

Published 06/13/2016 at 11:43pm UTC

Page viewed 45925 times


Zoom download and installation instructions for Windows computers using the Firefox browser.


If your host is using our Zoom platform, this must be installed on the device you will use to participate in a session. Zoom only needs to be installed once per device. 


You will be automatically prompted to download and install Zoom when attempting to join a meeting but we recommend going through the process below and testing the connection/audio/video ahead of time to be sure everything is working before an actual session. If you have any questions, or would like to schedule a test session, please don't hesitate to contact the support team at (888) 540-2829, or email us your available times at [email protected] (please include your timezone). 


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1. If you are an account holder, log in--you will automatically be shown your Dashboard. In the lower left-hand corner of the page, use the "Install Zoom" button. (If you're logged in but on a different page, click on the "Videoconference" tab to navigate to your Dashboard.)

Install Zoom button 


If you are a guest for an upcoming session, you can download Zoom from the "Waiting Room Page", using the "Install Zoom" button in the lower-left hand corner.

Install Zoom button on the waiting room page 



2. On the message that appears, use the "Download Zoom" button in the lower right-hand corner.

Download and Install Zoom message



3. A message will appear asking you to confirm you would like to save this file. Click "Save File." 

Firefox: opening Zoom message 



4. In the upper right-hand corner of your Firefox window, the download icon will turn into a green progress bar, and then turn into blue, downward-facing arrow when the download has been completed. Click on the blue arrow when this happens.

Firefox download progress bar        Firefox Downloads icon        



5. You'll see a list of your recent downloads. Click on "ZoomInstaller.exe".

Firefox: recent downloads



6. In the security prompt that appears, click "Run."

 Open File security warning



7. When prompted for permission to install, click "Yes".

Zoom User Account Control request



8. When the installation is complete, you will see this screen.



9. Go back to Firefox to launch the video app.

  • If you are an account holder, click "Enter Meeting" (below left)
  • If you are a participant, click "Enter Waiting Room" (below right)

Enter Meeting button            OR          Back to enter waiting room button



10. The first time that you launch a session from Firefox, the browser will ask which app you want to use. 

Arrow pointing at checkbox and then at Choose Application



Click on the pre-filled choice "Zoom Meetings", make sure the box next to "Always use..." is checked, and then click "Open Link".

  • If you accidentally search for the program and choose the installation file, you will need to use a different browser, or edit Firefox's preferences before Zoom can be launched from it again.

Firefox Launch Application



11. Once your host connects to you, you may be prompted to choose how to enable your audio. Click "Join with Computer Audio" to use your computer's microphone and speakers.

  • TIP: Check the box next to "Automatically join audio by computer when joining a meeting" before clicking the green "Join with Computer Audio" button to avoid having to confirm this every time.

Join audio



This article was last reviewed by our Support team on May 15, 2024.