Virtual Clinic: Virtual Clinic Basic

Support Center > About SecureVideo Features

Published 09/13/2016 at 4:33pm UTC

Page viewed 38140 times


Virtual Clinic is an add-on workflow optimized for intra-networks (communicating with a known set of users) and organizations that will use dedicated devices for videoconferencing.


A Virtual Clinic Basic queue is used as a quick way to request a session of a particular provider, but without the request and accept model of other queue types. Essentially, Virtual Clinic Basic is like creating a standing meeting, while retaining the auditing/tracking benefits of creating a new session every time.


For more information on adding Virtual Clinic to your account, please contact our Sales Team by email at [email protected].


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Requester: Requesting a session

1. The requester logs into their account (or may be using a dedicated station that remains logged in), and clicks "Enter Waiting Room" for the provider they would like to connect with.

Enter Waiting Room


2. This launches the video app, and the requester will wait until the requested user connects.



Provider: Connecting to a session

1. As soon as the requester begins to enter the waiting room, a session will appear on the provider's dashboard. Once the requester finishes launching the video app, their status will change. The provider clicks "Enter Meeting" to connect with the requester.

Enter Meeting button to start the session



This article was last reviewed by our Support Team on August 12, 2021.